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  /    /  “La figlia del Cosmonauta” Vince Pastano – Motion Graphics

“La figlia del Cosmonauta” Vince Pastano

Motion Graphics {Self promo video}

The eMotionGraphics is a motion graphics I do using music as leading actor and a surreal character representing the emotions I feel from the music track.

The Video

The video started as self promotion project inspired by the wonderful track “La figlia del Cosmonauta” a song written and performed by Vince Pastàno which was included in his debut album “Invisibili Distanze” (Disco Dada Records/Venus).
The artist itself kindly allowed me to include his song in this video.

Vince Pastano

Music Producer & Guitarist for Malacarna
Music Producer & Guitarist for Noisebreakers
Art Director & Guitarist for Vasco Rossi
Guitarist for Luca Carboni

Produced by Vince Pàstano (vocals, guitars, bass, programming)

Drums by Max Messina

Recorded at Church Studio

Sound engineer by Antonello D'Urso

Artistic supervision by Ignazio Orlando (CCCP) and Grazia Verasani



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